Obsah čísla 7/2012

Contents of 7/2012

Strana/Page Odkaz/Ref. Celý text/Full Text
Vědecké články/Research Papers
.: Taxation of passenger motor vehicles with environmental aspect
Andrlík, B.:
pp. 9 Abstract pdf
Comparison of take-it-or-leave-it and take-it-or-leave-it with follow-up elicitation formats -- case study of Czech national parks
Antoušková, M.
pp. 19 Abstract pdf
The performance of Libyan stock market
AlJbiri, A.
pp. 27 Abstract pdf
Are companies in the Czech Republic ready to implement IFRS for SMEs?
Bartůňková, L.
pp. 39 Abstract pdf
Testing of breakdates in agricultural prices of selected representatives of animal production
Bubáková, P.
pp. 45 Abstract pdf
Barriers to organic milk production
Duda, J., Tlačbabová, M.
pp. 55 Abstract pdf
Development of number of employees in the Czech companies with venture capital investment
Fedorová, A., Rajchlová, J.
pp. 61 Abstract pdf
Attitude to plagiarism in different European countries
Foltýnek, T., Čech, F.
pp. 71 Abstract pdf
Gender wage differences in the selected Czech public sector company
Hedija, V., Musil, P.
pp. 81 Abstract pdf
Evaluation of viniculture in the Czech Republic from the perspective of industry and prediction of development until 2020 according to selected variables
Hicl, Z.
pp. 89 Abstract pdf
The impacts of the global economic crisis on selected segments of the world trade in commodities
Horská, E., Smutka, L., Maitah, M.
pp. 101 Abstract pdf
Research on Czech firms' marketing communication based on social media networks
Chlebovský, V., Plšek, V.
pp. 111 Abstract pdf
Effects of direct investments on the regional development
Chmelíková, G., Redlichová, R.
pp. 119 Abstract pdf
Analysis and identification of joint performance measurement indicators: social and corporate governance issues
Chvátalová, Z., Šimberová, I.
pp. 127 Abstract pdf
The application of method supplier's complex evaluation. Case study
Chytilová, E., Jurová, M.
pp. 139 Abstract pdf
Dimensionality reduction of quality of life indicators
Jindrová, A., Poláčková, J.
pp. 147 Abstract pdf
Economic cycle synchronization in the context of financial crisis: empirical evidence of Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom
Kapounek, S., Sečkař, J.
pp. 155 Abstract pdf
Reverse logistics and 3PL in the Czech Republic
Klapalová, A.
pp. 163 Abstract pdf
Different versions of the savings method for the time limited vehicle routing problem
Kučera, P.
pp. 171 Abstract pdf
Enterprise services and object-oriented methodologies
Mišovič, M., Rábová, I.
pp. 179 Abstract pdf
Project management in building industry management
Nový, M., Nováková, J., Waldhans, M.
pp. 189 Abstract pdf
Variables selection for quality of life evaluation in the European Union
Pacáková, Z.
pp. 199 Abstract pdf
Effects of labour migration on economic development during economic downturn and recovery
Palát, M.
pp. 207 Abstract pdf
Determinants of capital structure: evidence from the Czech automotive industryg
Pinková, P.
pp. 217 Abstract pdf
A residential area citizens' attitude towards environment of living in the domestic and European context
Prášilová, M., Varvažovská, P.
pp. 225 Abstract pdf
Continuing integration in Europe? Some empirical evidence on European industrial production cycle
Rozmahel, P., Najman, N.
pp. 233 Abstract pdf
Examination of market structure in selected livestock agri-food chains in the Czech Republic
Rumánková, L.
pp. 243 Abstract pdf
Tax justice of the reform of higher education: tuition fees or tax relief?
Semerád, P., Sobotková, V.
pp. 259 Abstract pdf
Evolution and perspectives of the regional market of applicants for tertiary education in South Bohemian Region
Skořepa, L., Pícha, K.
pp. 265 Abstract pdf
The comparative advantage of Czech agricultural trade in relation to the most important trade partner countries in the period of 2008--2011
Smutka, L., Burianová, J., Belová, A.
pp. 273 Abstract pdf
Macroeconomic implication of the floods -- a case study for the regions of the Czech Republic
Soukopová, J., Furová, L.
pp. 289 Abstract pdf
European households' consumption expenditures in the decade 2000--2009
Stejskal, L., Stávková, J.
pp. 299 Abstract pdf
Comparative simulation study of likelihood ratio tests for homogeneity of the exponential distribution
Střelec, L., Stehlík, M.
pp. 307 Abstract pdf
Economic results of agricultural enterprises in 2010
Střeleček, F., Kopta, D., Lososová, J., Zdeněk, R.
pp. 315 Abstract pdf
Largest enterprises in the Czech Republic: A spatio-temporal perspective
Sucháček, J., Baránek, P.
pp. 329 Abstract pdf
The development of regional disparities in Czech Republic over the 2005--2010 years
Svatošová, L.
pp. 337 Abstract pdf
Convergence of IFRS and US GAAP in the field of lease: the impact of new methodological approaches for operating lease reporting
Svoboda, P., Bohušová, H.
pp. 345 Abstract pdf
Corporate governance -- research of key indicators on market of processing industry in the Czech Republic via cluster analysis
Šimberová, I., Kocmanová, A.
pp. 359 Abstract pdf
Impact of standard rate of VAT on tax mix in EU 27
Šinkyříková, T., Soukopová, J.
pp. 369 Abstract pdf
Application of the theory of planned behavior to fraudulent returning
Škapa, R.
pp. 379 Abstract pdf
Strategic options for newly entering companies into the wine sector in the Czech Republic
Šperková, R., Skýpalová, R.
pp. 387 Abstract pdf
The impact of visitor segments on the perception of the quality of the product of accommodation establishments
Švec, R., Pícha, K., White Baravalle Gilliam, V. L., Navrátil, J., Doležalová, H.
pp. 399 Abstract pdf
Influence of product innovations on financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic
Tabas, J., Beranová, M., Martinovičová, D.
pp. 409 Abstract pdf
Analysis of distribution impact of subsidies within the Common Agricultural Policy on field production businesses in the Czech Republic
Trnková, G., Malá, Z.
pp. 415 Abstract pdf
Preferences of men and women in the Czech Republic when shopping for food
Turčínková, J., Brychtová, J., Urbánek, J.
pp. 425 Abstract pdf
Results of analysis of organisational culture in organisations in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic
Urbancová, H.
pp. 433 Abstract pdf
Agricultural producers' groups in the Czech Republic: introductory review and discussion of the problem area economic performance measurement
Vavřina, J., Růžičková, K.
pp. 441 Abstract pdf
The CAP reform beyond 2013: the economic performance of agricultural enterprises within the Visegrad Group
Vavřina, J., Růžičková, K., Martinovičová, D.
pp. 451 Abstract pdf
Liquidity of Czech and Slovak commercial banks
Vodová, P.
pp. 463 Abstract pdf
Store personality and behavioral intentions of customers: a comparative study of retail industry in the Czech Republic and Sri Lanka
Wanninayake, W. M. C. B., Chovancová, M.
pp. 477 Abstract pdf
Work culture of the Bata company
Urbanová, M., Dundelová, J.
pp. 487 Abstract pdf


Andrlík, B.: Taxation of passenger motor vehicles with environmental aspect. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 9–18
The article deals with the issue of taxation of passenger motor vehicles in the Czech Republic and European Union member countries. It focuses on the topic of integrating environmental aspects into taxation systems of passenger motor vehicles with the aim of reducing production and releasing harmful substances into the air. CO2 emissions produced by combustion of hydrocarbon fuels by motor vehicles is described as the most harmful substance, and it is used as an tool for ecological taxation reforms in individual European Union member countries. With regards to taxation, the article deals with mechanisms of registration tax and road tax and defines relation between the two tax mechanisms and their positive and negative aspects. The article briefly defines individual taxation systems of motor vehicles in European Union member countries. In addition, it includes classification of those member countries which use CO2 emission-based registration tax and road tax. The article focuses in detail on road tax systems in Germany, Finnland and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom became the first member country to apply CO2 emissions-based rates of road tax. The conclusion of the article suggests a discussion over this issue in terms of the Czech Republic and modification of road tax based on reducing CO2 emissions.
road tax, property tax, negative externality, Czech Republic


Antoušková, M.: Comparison of take-it-or-leave-it and take-it-or-leave-it with follow-up elicitation formats – case study of Czech national parks. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 19–26
This paper focuses on comparison of two different elicitation formats commonly used in the Willingness-to-pay method. It compares the difference in influence of chosen respondents’ characteristics on their willingness to pay for evaluated non-market good applying the take-it-or-leave-it (single-bounded choice) and take-it-it-or-leave-it with follow-up (double-bounded choice) elicitation formats. The good evaluated in the presented article is recreation in nature-based areas. The research is conducted in two primer nature-based recreational areas in the Czech Republic (National Park Sumava, National Park Podyji). The data sources are gathered from a tourist survey carried out in both the studied areas. A logistic regression is used for evaluation of the results. Based on the analysed method, two models are developed. The binary model elaborates the take-it-or-leave-it approach and the ordinal model elaborates the extended approach – take-it-it-or-leave-it with follow-up. The influence of personal and socioeconomic tourists’ characteristics on their willingness to pay is predicted in both models and consequently compared. The predictors analysed include sex, age, education, frequency of visitation of studied areas, and total costs spent during the actual visit.
nature-based tourism, willingness-to-pay method, binary model, ordinal model, take-it-or-leave-it question, take-it-or-leave-it with follow-up question


AlJbiri, A: The performance of Libyan stock market. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 27–38
The objective of this paper is to answer the following question:. To what extent Libyan stock market developed to contribute to economic growth in Libya? This can be evaluated by using many financial indicators, these include stock market size, activity and efficiency, as well as the study including the regulatory framework, and information technology (IT) set in place by the market authorities. However, descriptive and comparative method was used. The results indicated that, despite the modest progress made in a very short time regarding all indicators which the paper calculated, however, it can be said that Libyan stock market remain largely underdeveloped, small and relatively inefficient. Its market capitalization to GDP is very low and investors have no access to long-term capital. In addition, the market still have very low liquidity and investors still have a limited choice of financial instruments and face liquidity problems. In the end of this paper was its conclusion a set of recommendations that can be used in developing a program that aims to speed the development of Libyan stock market and increase its efficiency
Libyan stock market (LSM), performance, Turnover ratio, Liquidity ratio, information technology (IT), Arab stock markets


Bartůňková, L.: Are companies in the Czech Republic ready to implement IFRS for SMEs? Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 39–44
The process of integration and globalization is closely related to the need for harmonization of accounting at international level. In this connection International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been developed, which are primarily designed for companies whose securities are traded on regulated markets of the European Union. However, as the importance of small and medium-sized entities has been recently on the increase, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) also issued after five years of effort in July 2009 the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs). At present, there is no legislation for the application of this standard in the Czech Republic or any other state of the European Union. Each jurisdiction must determine whether to adopt IFRS for SMEs, to what extent and for which entities the standard is mandatory and for which it is not. Already in previous years the European Commission analyzed data from surveys on this new standard and discussed its advantages and disadvantages. To date, however, it has not taken a single decision on whether to adopt and incorporate the standard into the European accounting legislation. The question also remains what attitude towards IFRS for SMEs companies operating in the Czech Republic will take. That is why this paper analyzes the opinions of some Czech companies belonging to the group of SMEs on the potential adoption of this standard.
IFRS, small and medium-sized entities (enterprises), harmonization, financial statements


Bubáková, P.: Testing of breakdates in agricultural prices of selected representatives of animal production. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 45–54
This paper deals with an investigation of breakdates in agricultural prices. A structural break has occurred if at least one of the model parameters has changed at some date. This date is a breakdate. Ignoring structural breaks in time series can lead to serious problems with economic models of time series. The aim is to determine the number and date of the breakdates in individual time series and connect them with changes in the market and economic environment. The time series of agricultural price relating to animal production, namely the prices of pork, beef, chicken, milk and eggs, are analyzed for the period from January 1996 to December 2011. The autoregressive model (AR) model of Box-Jenkins methodology and stability testing according to Quandt or Wald statistics are used for the purposes of this paper. Multiple breakdates are found in the case of eggs (September 1998, May 2004), milk (October 1999, December 2007) and chicken (October 2002, February 2005) prices. One breakdate was detected in the prices of beef (April 2002) and none in the case of pork prices. The results show the importance of multiple breakdate testing. The Quandt statistic provides one possible way of applying a multiple approach. All breakdates which were confirmed using these statistics can be associated with changes in the agri-food market and economic environment. Information about the date of changes in the time series can be used for other unbiased modelling in more complex models.
breakdate, structural change, AR model, Quandt statistic, stability, multiple testing, agricultural prices, animal production


Duda, J., Tlačbabová, M.: Barriers to organic milk production. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 55–60
This paper describes barriers to production of the organic milk. There was conducted a survey among conventional producers of cow’s milk. Based on the identified barriers to organic milk production and farmers’ opinions on them there were identified the most important barriers. The most important barrier to the production of organic milk in Vysočina region is considered to be the lack of price premiums for organic milk produced. The price premium is currently around 0.40 CZK per litre of organic milk. Farmers require a minimum price premium 1 CZK per litre, respectively 30 % increase of the price of milk. The higher price premium may serve as a motivation, which could eliminate the second major barrier - satisfaction with the current production. Problematic contact with suppliers has been identified as the third most important barrier by surveyed firms. Buyers do not respect the agreed purchase price (premium price). Partial barrier to organic milk production, according to surveyed farmers is the lack of the necessary amount of concentrated feed in the quality of organic milk.
organic milk, barriers to production, organic farming, region Vysočina


Fedorová, A., Rajchlová, J.: Development of number of employees in the Czech companies with venture capital investment. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 61–70
According to Schefzyk (2006), creating of new job opportunities in companies financed by venture capital ranks among the most considerable economic impacts of venture capital on companies and national economy. Such obvious conclusions can not be identified in other foreign studies; therefore, a piece of research was undertaken with the aim to prove whether venture capital – in the conditions of the Czech Republic – contributed to any growth of number of employees in the companies with its participation. Partial objectives in two levels were formulated to accomplish primary objective: the first partial objective was the identification and evaluation of development of number of employees in the individual companies funded by venture capital, namely in the period of one year prior to its entry, in the period of co-existence and in the period of maximally three years following the venture capital investment exit out of such companies. The second partial objective was represented by the comparison of development of number of employees in the companies with venture capital with development of employment rate in the Czech Republic. Collected research material comes out from the data of all business subjects financed by venture capital in the Czech Republic in the period from 1998 until 2011. Quantitative research method and subsequent logical inductions were employed to reach established research primary objective. On the basis of collected data on annual average converted number of employees in the companies per individual years their chain indices, subsequently assessed, were calculated. In the research conclusions the authors observe that the statement on positive influence of venture capital on the employment growth in the companies with its participation can not be confirmed in the conditions of the Czech Republic.
company financing, venture capital, annual average converted number of employees, chain indices, corroboration of statement on venture capital influence


Foltýnek, T., Čech, F.: Attitude to plagiarism in different European countries. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 71–80
Plagiarism is an important and frequently discussed issue, which may have severe financial impacts for higher education institutions across Europe. However, there are different attitudes to this topic in different countries. Whereas ECTS aims to provide an objective measurement of student effort allowing students to spend part of their studies at different institutions and even different countries, the penalties for plagiarism and other types of cheating may be different. Even the definition of plagiarism may be understood differently in particular European countries. One of the aims of the project IPPHEAE is to identify these differences and try to find common solutions for related problems. The aim of the paper is to present results of research focused on attitudes to plagiarism in Great Britain, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Cyprus and Bulgaria. A questionnaire survey was conducted in these countries among students and teachers. The results are interesting and inspiring and show huge differences in attitude to plagiarism between western and post-communist countries, surprisingly including the Czech Republic in the group of western countries.
plagiarism, higher education, project IPPHEAE


Hedija, V., Musil, P.: Gender wage differences in the selected Czech public sector company. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 81–88
The issue of wage disparity between men and women belongs to the current and widely discussed topics. The attention given to this subject also reflects the fact that the issue of the equality between women and men and non-discrimination by gender is incorporated in the law of the European Union. A number of studies are devoted to the gender wage disparities and the root cause of wage differences in the Czech Republic, however, only few of these deal with the gender wage differentials in the public sector. It is exactly this issue, which is discussed in this article, its aim being to identify the extent of the gender pay gap in the selected Czech public sector company. The article concentrates on finding the main causes for the existence of wage differences between men and women and determining whether the company inclines to wage discrimination against women. The Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition is used to define, which part of the gender pay gap can be attributed to the different characteristics of men and women and which part stays unexplained. It is this unexplained part that can be the result of wage discrimination against women.
gender, wage differences, public sector, gender pay gap, Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, endowment effect, remuneration effect


Hicl, Z.: Evaluation of viniculture in the Czech Republic from the perspective of industry and prediction of development until 2020 according to selected variables. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 89–100 This article analyzes the viniculture and viticulture in the Czech Republic from the perspective of industry and predicts the outlook of Czech viniculture and viticulture until 2020. The first part of the article defines the methods and procedures of calculation and SWOT analysis. The contribution using the method of reliability bands predicts consumption of grapes per capita per year and further predicts sugar content in grapes during harvest in future years. Sugar content of grapes has been chosen as the indicator of quality of grapes and indicator of the level of wine growing systems. Based on an evaluation of the current state of viniculture and viticulture in the Czech Republic and results of statistical calculations it recommends in well-arranged way the basic directions of development of viniculture and viticulture. If the development does not deviate too much from statistically estimated parameters, it can be expected that viniculture and viticulture will develop successfully in the conditions existing in the Czech Republic as predicted by the article.
viniculture, viticulture, wine market, consumer, Czech Republic


Horská, E., Smutka, L., Maitah, M.: The impacts of the global economic crisis on selected segments of the world trade in commodities. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 101–110
This paper deals with the impacts of the economic crisis on the world trade in order to highlight the mutual interdependence of the development of the world output and trade. The paper observes mutual correlation in development of the world trade and output. The results of the analysis indicate that changes in the value of world GDP and world trade are correlated by more than 90%. It is important to mention that in the years 2000–2009, the value of world trade and world output increased significantly (although in 2009, a significant decline in both value and volume of global production and trade was recorded due to the crisis). In relation to the world trade, it should be noted that its commodity structure is dominated by trade in manufactures. The crisis that occurred in the period 2008–2009 greatly affected the world economy and trade in particular. In this respect it should be pointed out that the crisis mainly affected trade in manufactures and then trade in fuels and mining outputs in terms of both absolute and relative indicators. Agrarian trade dealt with the crisis the best and the impact of the crisis on development of its values and volume was the least significant. This verifies the fact that agrarian and food products tend to be the most resistant to the crisis (on contrary, in times of global economic growth or reconstruction, the trade in agrarian and food products shows lower degree of elasticity in relation to the global GDP growth in comparison to other segments of commodities trade).
world, trade, output, relationship, crisis, impacts, structure, commodities, sensitivity, value


Chlebovský, V., Plšek, V.: Research on Czech firms’ marketing communication based on social media networks. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 111–118
Objective of the research described in this article is to make an analysis of the usage of marketing communication using both traditional Internet communication channels as well as Social Media Networks by the Czech companies. Primary research was made through on-line questionnaire. Companies across the branches and size categories within the Czech economy were addressed. Companies were selected from the www.firmy.cz portal. Only companies with their own web domain were addressed. The typical respondents were mostly from middle management, especially managers from the marketing or commercial departments. The final number of questionnaire respondents covered in the research is 1009. The main research method was questioning. The questionnaire consisted of three sections with the scale answer questions mainly. Google Refine was used for data processing and Microsoft Excel for statistical processing and graphic outputs of the research. Evaluated results show significant gaps in usage of Internet communication tools in marketing of Czech companies and also deficiency between clear understanding of the respondents how Social Media should be used in marketing communication and real use in the companies. This deficiency was statistically tested and relation between respondents’ perception of the importance of Social Media use for bidirectional communication with stakeholders and non-use of Social Media for bidirectional communication with stakeholders by respondents’ company was confirmed.
social media, marketing communication, interactive web communication, marketing communication mix, market orientation, e-marketing, digital media marketing


Chmelíková, G., Redlichová, R.: Effects of direct investments on the regional development. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 119–126 This article discusses the problems of exogenous approach to regional development and tries to evaluate the impacts of such regional politics. Specifically, it is focused on the evaluation of investments efficiency in the hard infrastructure of municipalities. The main contribution of this paper lies in establishing a methodical basis for the evaluation of investments in the hard infrastructure of municipalities, both from the view of economic impacts on the economy of respective municipalities and also from the view of wider social context, concerning mainly the employment and economic base structure. Subsequently, the impact of majority of industrial zones in the Czech Republic on regional development is tested using this methodological approach. regional development, industrial zones, evaluation of public benefit projects


Chvátalová, Z., Šimberová, I.: Analysis and identification of joint performance measurement indicators: social and corporate governance issues. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 127–138
This article presents selected initial results from the project ‘Construction of Methods for Multifactorial Assessment of Company Complex Performance in Selected Sectors’ carried out by a research team from the Faculty of Business and Management of Brno University Technology and Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University in Brno in 2011. The research focus is on the identification of joint areas of influence of social and corporate governance indicators. The authors consider such an approach is essential for the construction of tools for measuring corporate performance in selected sectors of CZ-NACE. It is argued that indicators should meet certain criteria such as relevance, accuracy, representativeness, measurability, usability, transparency, etc. The results presented in this article are from the first phase of the project which forms the basis for further investigation within subsequent phases of the project.
social indicators, corporate governance indicators, key performance indicators, jointed indicators, research, ISO 26 000, IFAC, GRI


Chytilová, E., Jurová, M.: The application of method supplier’s complex evaluation. Case study. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 139–146
The main goal of this article includes the illustration of selecting bidders evaluation with help Method of complex evaluation of suppliers (MCE). Nowadays the evaluation of suppliers has more importance is in the supply chain management. For SMEs with discontinuous custom manufacturing supplier evaluation at first stage becomes a priority to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of farm output and overall competitiveness. This article presents results of control MCE. The results of this article are results of suppliers’ evaluation conditions and eliminations of MCE application on the base of real enterprise data. MCE is oriented to small and medium-sized enterprises with discontinue manufacturing to order. Research is oriented to selecting procedure of existing suppliers at the first stage of supply chain. Nationality and geographic location haven’t importance to MCE application. Illustrative case study presents the evaluation process to the specific conditions and subsequently demonstrated viability of MCE.
supplier selection procedure, existing supplier, case study, scoring-model, supply chain


Jindrová, A., Poláčková, J.: Dimensionality reduction of quality of life indicators. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 147–154
Selecting indicators for assessing the quality of life at the regional level is not unambigous. Currently, there are no precisely defined indicators that would give comprehensive information about the quality of life on a local level. In this paper we focus on the determination (selection) of groups of indicators that can be interpreted, on the basis of studied literature, as factors characterizing the quality of life. Furthermore, on the application of methods to reduce the dimensionality of these indicators, from the source of the database CULS KROK, which provides statistics on the regional and districts level. To reduce the number of indicators and the subsequent creation of derived variables that capture the relationships between selected indicators multivariate statistical analysis methods, especially method of principal components and factor analysis were used. This paper also indicates the methodology grant project “Methodological Approaches to assess Subjective Aspects of the life quality in regions of the Czech Republic”.
quality of life, principal component analysis, dimensionality reduction, Economical indicators, Social and cultural indicators, Environmental indicators, SPSS


Kapounek, S., Sečkař, J.: Economic cycle synchronization in the context of financial crisis: empirical evidence of Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 155–162
The paper focuses on the economic cycle synchronization of the euro area outsiders: Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom. The authors discussed openness of the selected economies, their structural similarities and economic cycle synchronization in the years 2000–2011. They applied moving correlation and correlation between the selected countries and the euro area. They found significant synchronization of the economic cycles after the year 2005. Furthermore, economic cycles of the analyzed countries were exceptionally synchronized than the euro area average level. Our contribution is in comparison of the economic cycle synchronization in the selected countries with the euro area average. The authors assume that changes in order provide important information about the synchronization, unbiased by the consequences of the financial crisis in the year 2007. A theoretical background for the final discussions provided new version of the OCA theory focused on the costs associated with the loss of the monetary policy autonomy. The authors concluded that selected countries were not protected against the global macroeconomic shock after the year 2007, although they keep the autonomous monetary policy.
OCA theory, moving correlation, monetary policy efficiency, co-movements, euro rejection


Klapalová, A.: Reverse logistics and 3PL in the Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 163–170
The paper is focused the results of survey investigating the utilization of services of the so called 3PL (third party logistics) or in other words outsourcing of reverse logistics activities (RL) in the context of their strategic versus operative or ad hoc management of RL and in relation to various benefits seeking and gaining within the frame of RL management. The exploratory analysis tries to answer the basic research question whether companies strategically managing reverse flows (RF) use services of 3PL more often compared to companies with ad hoc or operative management and what is the role of costs versus benefits in the context of outsourcing of RL activities. The survey was realized among 150 Czech small, middle and big companies from several industries and the size and type of industry are two other contextual factors related to outsourcing decisions. Results show statistically significant relationship between character of planning hierarchy and number of activities performed by 3PL, where companies that plan RF strategically, employ 3PL more often. The findings indicate also differences between the companies which plan RF strategically and those which plan RF only on tactical and operational level (Sig. (1-tailed) = 0.033) and those that do not plan at all (in comparison to those that plan on strategic level – Sig. (1-tailed) = 0.123) when analyzing the types of RL activities. The survey also shows that companies which outsource more RL activities (3 and more), perceive less financial benefits than nonfinancial benefits. Significant dependence was detected between the size of company and number of both benefits perceived with RF management. This finding can stand for the fact, that in bigger companies more commitment of managers and employees is devoted to RF. Very important result shows that activities which are outsourced distinctly more by the companies planning RL strategically belong to the activities creating higher value for companies. The paper contributes to a better understanding of present knowledge targeted at RF management practices and offers the first existing knowledge of the utilization of 3PL for RL practices in the Czech Republic.
reverse logistics, activities, management, benefits, 3PL, outsourcing


Kučera, P.: Different versions of the savings method for the time limited vehicle routing problem. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 171–178
The time limited vehicle routing problem (TLVRP) stems from the vehicle routing problem. The main difference is that the routes are paths (not cycles), i.e. vehicles do not return to the central city (or at least we do not observe their way back). Costs are given for the straight routes between each pair of the cities and represent the time necessary for going through. Each path must not exceed a given time limit. The sum of times for all routes is to be minimized. This problem is NP-hard. There are many various possibilities how to design the heuristics (approximation methods) to solve it. One of the ways of how to obtain an approximation method for the TLVRP is to modify the famous savings method by Clark and Wright (1964) for this purpose. In this paper we suggest several different versions of this method, test them in some instances, and evaluate and mutually compare the results of individual versions.
time limited vehicle routing problem, vehicle routing problem, traveling salesman problem, savings method


Mišovič, M., Rábová, I.: Enterprise services and object-oriented methodologies. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 179–188
In this paper we study the possibility of modifying the conventional, advanced object-oriented methodology for software development of enterprise information systems on an enterprise services platform. The presented solution is preceded with the draft of the formal description of the business process logic and its service solutions. In the design for the introduction of business services there is used the so-called native solution that is very close to the thinking of corporate management. Adjustment of the classic, advanced object-oriented methodology is oriented on its cardinal development phases INSEPTION and ELABORATION. In these two phases important descriptions of relevant information modeling results are formed for the following CONSTRUCTION phase and TRANSITION phase. Editing, however, is methodological, and meta-documented with an example of a transparent graphical description of business services and a logical architecture of the target software. In other words, it means that this contribution provides small software companies with valuable knowledge for the creation of their own development methodologies on a platform of enterprise services. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the formation of implementing development methodologies, which absorb current knowledge disciplines of Software and Information Engineering.
object methodology, process logic, process threads, business services, service-oriented enterprise, business service specification, analysis and design of enterprise services platform, target software architecture


Nový, M., Nováková, J., Waldhans, M.: Project management in building industry management. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 189–198
The article deals with contents of the project management on general level first. It mentions the most widespread project management standards, which have historically developed in global scale, their parts and objectives. Further, it describes position of the building industry in national economy, its specific features distinguishing it from the other industrial production, contents of the building industry management and project management of structures. The importance of the role of project manager is documented by characteristics of construction projects, their course, contents of sub-phases, and individual types of managing activities. Attention is devoted to project planning – determination of realization costs, necessary resources, sequence and time course of individual works. The most frequently used graphic methods of schedule presentation – Gantt chart, network chart and frequency bar chart are applied on examples of constructions. These charts can be focused in time sequence on individual types of resources – workforce, finance, materials, energies, and machinery. In conclusion, necessity to manage the project management procedures is emphasized as a part of skills of a construction engineer in the role of preparation manager or construction project realization manager.
building industry management, project management, construction project planning, realization costs, graphic methods of planning


Pacáková, Z.: Variables selection for quality of life evaluation in the European Union. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 199–206
In 2008 Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress introduced eight dimensions characterizing the economic performance as well as social well-being without proposing concrete list of variables. The aim of the article is therefore to propose a set of indicators for overall quality of life evaluation in the European Union in accordance to the dimensions introduced by the Commission. Part of the main objective is to propose a methodological tool for selection of indicators reflecting the needs of evaluating quality of life in the European Union. At the beginning a set of 114 variables was completed as a result of the findings listed by the Commission and based on empirical literature. The primary data set was reduced in two consecutive steps. The first step aims to reduce the correlation among the variables. As a result of the second steps, variables reflecting the different levels among consistent groups of states were selected. Therefore, the methodical approach in the second step was based on nonparametric procedures (tests) used to identify variables that are of significantly different levels in clusters identified by cluster analysis. As a result set of 52 variables for quality of life evaluation drawn from 4 different data sources was introduced.
economic performance, well-being, quality of life, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, nonparametric procedures, European Union


Palát, M.: Effects of labour migration on economic development during economic downturn and recovery. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 207–216
International labour migration is mainly promoted by economic interests. This paper focuses on the period before and after the economic crisis and puts together important facts regarding motivation to labour migration and provides explanations of its causes and impacts on the macroeconomic level. The economic explanation why is migration so severely restricted is that migration policies are essentially distributive tools, aiming at reducing negative effects of migration on wages and unemployment among natives and moreover, we may stress out the gradualist tendencies of migration and such migration restrictions can mitigate supply-side shocks that may negatively affect incomes or jobs of some specific groups. A partial objective of the practical part of the paper is to evaluate relationships between the rate of migration and selected economic indicators using adequate quantitative methods. While the correlation between the crude rate of net migration and the GDP per capita is very low, the existence of correlation between the crude rate of net migration and the unemployment rate is evident in the most of analysed countries. Statistical insignificance of correlation indices in some countries can be then attributed to structural problems of those economies.
international migration, labour market, GDP per capita, unemployment


Pinková, P.: Determinants of capital structure: evidence from the Czech automotive industry. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 217–224
The objective of the paper is to identify the determinants influencing the capital structure of large and medium-sized enterprises of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic. The sample consists of 100 companies belonging to NACE division 29. The data come from financial statements of selected companies and cover a period from 2006 to 2010. For the purpose of the paper quantitative research is used. The selection of appropriate dependent and independent is realized on the basis of secondary research on studies of capital structure. The analysis of variance, correlation and regression analyses have been performed to see the nature of relationship between variables. Size, tangibility, profitability and liquidity appear to be relevant determinants of capital structure. Growth is not a statistically significant determinant of leverage. It has been observed that the maturity of debt has to be considered, since the investigation of total debt only does not provide precious results. The findings do not unequivocally support either the static trade-off theory or the pecking order theory.
capital structure, determinants of capital structure, leverage, automotive industry, pecking order theory, trade-off theory


Prášilová, M., Varvažovská, P.: A residential area citizens’ attitude towards environment of living in the domestic and European context. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 225–232
The paper is offering an assessment of the citizens’ attitude towards the environment of living, it is examining peoples’ considerate behaviour within the environment and whether people are willing to do something in favour of the environment, and how far they are interested in the information as concerns the environment. A detailed analysis is looking into the opinion as concerns activities of some of the institutions in connection with environment problems, ecological responsibility of the population, of the organisations and the State. The research is covering topical social and economic problems perception by the public, too, both in domestic and international milieu. The paper analyzes results of the questionnaire survey done on a random sample of people in the Karlovarský Region residential area in 2012. Data obtained have been assessed statistically using qualitative analysis methods. Included in the questionnaire have been questions concerning the citizens’ opinion about European integration and about globalisation in the sense of environment. The survey conclusions demonstrate current citizens’ attitude towards levels and importance of the environment in everyday life.
environment, public opinion, ecological responsibility, environmental perception, State institutions, citizen, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis


Rozmahel, P., Najman, N.: Continuing integration in Europe? Some empirical evidence on European industrial production cycle. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 233–242
The paper deals with assessing the common trends in business cycle similarity and convergence in Europe. The main goal of the paper is to identify common cyclical co-movements and trends in convergence among the European countries so that the emerging European business cycle could be identified. Concerning the factors of business cycle, the research question of the paper is based on assumption that the integration effects are so dominant to bring the European cycle into existence. Also a potential influence of the global crisis on European and world business cycles is examined in the paper. The industrial production index is used to approximate business cycles. Hodrick-Prescott filter, Christiano-Fitzgerald filter and first differencing were used to dissect the cyclical components and identify the cycles in the data. The co-movements, trends of convergence and divergence of business cycles are identified using correlation analysis. Particularly, actual cross correlation and historical correlation in separated subsequent periods is applied in the analysis. Also an original measure of the European business cycle emergence was applied. The results do not provide an evidence of emerging European business cycle contrary to US cycle. The global economic crises was identified as a kind of negative symmetric shock pushing all major economies towards the recession phase of the cycle und thus increasing similarity. The results also shed some light on an influence of different detrending techniques when dissecting the cycles from the input macroeconomic time series.
business cycle, correlation, convergence, Eurozone, industrial production


Rumánková, L.: Examination of market structure in selected livestock agri-food chains in the Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 243–258
This paper deals with a description of the most important livestock agri-food chains in the Czech Republic and an evaluation of their vertical price transmission. The paper examines the pork, beef, poultry, and milk agri-food chains generally from May 2004 to June 2011. The time series of selected variables contain biweekly, monthly or annual data and, according to data availability, contain a different number of observations within the selected period. The first part of the paper is focused on a descriptive analysis of the selected agri-food chains. Long-term developments and short-term fluctuations in production, supply and consumption, being the main factors which influence price level, are examined in particular. The second part of the paper is focused on vertical price transmission in the selected agri-food chains; specifically, the relationship between farm-gate price and wholesale price is examined and explained. For this purpose multivariate time series analysis is employed, namely the VAR and VECM models. Based on the empirical analysis, it could be concluded that the assumed long-term relationship was not confirmed for all analyzed agri-food chains. On the other hand, imperfect competition was confirmed; even its form may differ among the analyzed agri-food chains. However, generally speaking, one could say that wholesalers have a stronger position than farmers.
time series, VAR, VECM, vertical price transmission, livestock, agri-food chain


Semerád, P., Sobotková, V.: Tax justice of the reform of higher education: tuition fees or tax relief? Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 259–264
This paper deals with the current reform of higher education which is now being discussed in the Czech Republic. The Government and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports propose a tuition fee for students at universities but there is still no clear concept of it. University leaders and students are against the tuition fee because of their fear of getting into debt during their study. The aim of this paper is to show an alternative way of funding higher education without tuition fee loans and from the point of view of tax justice. According to the concept of horizontal justice (Mankiw, 1999) taxpayers should pay taxes at the same rate, but it does not work this way. The result of research is that changes in Act 586/1992 Coll., on income tax and in Act 117/1995 Coll., on state social welfare are required. Abolition of tax relief is proposed where discrimination against other taxpayers and groups of students could occur. By abolition of tax relief for a student and tax relief for a dependent child the amounts of 4,020 CZK and 13,404 CZK respectively could be saved. Changes in legislation could be politically more acceptable than the tuition fee. The solution could also lead to simplification for taxpayers. The target should be equal access to higher education for all students.
higher education, reform, students’ tax relief, tax justice, tuition fee


Skořepa, L., Pícha, K.: Evolution and perspectives of the regional market of applicants for tertiary education in South Bohemian Region. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 265–272
The paper summarizes results of the questionnaire surveys among high schools’ students in the Southbohemian Region. These surveys were done in 2008, 2009 and 2011. The aim of this article was to discover attitudes of the students of two terminal years of high schools as well as the students of higher professional schools to the new situation of the services offered by the sphere of tertiary educations. The supply of schools (measured by available capacity to take on students) have recently exceeded over the demand of applicants for tertiary education. This is caused by an increase of the education capacity of universities on one hand and by the birth rate deflation affecting the number of graduates from high schools on the other hand. The number of latest graduates from high school is not adequate to the education capacity of universities where the income based on the education activity represents an important part of their revenues. Universities and their faculties in South Bohemia have abolished the traditional entrance exams and some of them accept even one hundred per cents of applicants. This situation resulted in the development of promotional campaign using all traditional promotional tools. Questionnaire surveys have focused on factors of the selection of a university and faculty to apply, the results of studying at the university, sources of information on existing universities and applicants’ expectations from their university studies. The three-year survey allows authors to generalize implications and conclusions for university managers when recruiting graduates. Applicants permanently prefer economic field of study; the main source for them when choosing is Internet and they expect particularly to find better employment and to reach higher remuneration.
higher education market, factors of selection of a higher school, tertiary education, applicants, demographic evolution


Smutka, L., Burianová, J., Belová, A.: The comparative advantage of Czech agricultural trade in relation to the most important trade partner countries in the period of 2008–2011. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 273–288
The objective of the presented article is to analyze Czech agricultural trade as a whole and primarily trade in relation to the six key trade partners, with an emphasis on the identification of changes in its structure and competitiveness that occurred within the period of the years 2008–2011. On the basis of the results of the conducted analyses, it may be stated that the problematic period of the years 2008–2011 did not affect the development of Czech agricultural trade in an especially negative manner (commodity and territorial structure did not change significantly), whether in relation to the analyzed partner countries (In the case of individual countries within the analyzed period, the value of export and import increased as follows: Germany: 1.5% per year and 0.1% per year respectively, Austria: 2.9% per year and -0.01% per year respectively, the Netherlands: -1.1% per year and -6.3% per year respectively, Italy: 8.7% per year and 7.3% per year respectively, Slovakia: 6.1% per year and -3.2% per year respectively, Poland: 3.5% per year and 11.1% per year respectively.), or in relation to the overall agricultural trade of the Czech Republic (Agricultural trade was able to face the stagnation of the global economy relatively very well. Only in the year 2009, there was a slight year-on-year decline in the value of agricultural export by approximately 5%, but, nevertheless, within the years 2010 and 2011, the value of agricultural trade increased year-on-year by approximately 3.6% and 14.8%, respectively.). Growth in the area of the development of the value of export as well as import remained preserved. The comparative advantage of Czech export remained preserved in the case of key aggregations. The strong aggregations of Czech agricultural export generally include CN 01, CN 04, CN 10, CN 11, CN 12, CN 13, CN 17, CN 21, CN 22 and CN 24.
Czech agricultural trade, period of crisis, impact, structure, partners, value, comparative advantage


Soukopová, J., Furová, L.: Macroeconomic implication of the floods – a case study for the regions of the Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 289–298
Floods are natural events with extensive impact on property and life of affected people. They significantly came in 1997 into the life of Czech society and since then has caused damage almost 172 billion CZK. The paper focuses on the assessment of impact of floods from 1997 to 2010 on economic level of each region. The impact is assessed on basis of development of the basic macroeconomic indicators such as GDP and economic level of regions, change in fixed capital formation, sales of industrial products and unemployment. The basic idea is to show how much floods have influenced region’s economy and if it depends more on the amount of flood damages or nature of damage (structure within infrastructure). 13 regions of the Czech Republic except Prague were chosen for the analysis. Prague was excluded from the analysis because of its specific status (capital city and the region) and economic conditions among regions in the Czech Republic (higher GDP per capita than the national average).
natural disaster, floods, macroeconomic impact, regions, damage


Stejskal, L., Stávková, J.: European households’ consumption expenditures in the decade 2000–2009. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 299–306
Paper deals with analysis of consumption expenditures of European households at the beginning and at the end of decade 2000–2009. The aim is to evaluate the impacts of economic development on the life situation of households from a specific point of view. The period represents one phase of the economic cycle in Europe – it is characterized by economic boom as well as declines leading to current crisis. Data was obtained from the Statistical Office of the European Communities. Subjects of analysis were individual European countries and groups EU 27 and EU 15. Using the cluster analysis method it was found that there are certain groups of countries with similar structures of household expenditures. These groups were relatively stable over time and corresponded to the traditional perception of similarity between countries in terms of geographical, cultural, political, etc. factors. However, some exceptions occurred – e.g. position of Ireland close to South European countries or Estonia close to Central European countries. Results serve as a basis for evaluation of economic development and can be also used as an indicator of impacts of economic development on people’s living situation.
consumption expenditures, household consumption, EU households, living situation, cluster analysis


Střelec, L., Stehlík, M.: Comparative simulation study of likelihood ratio tests for homogeneity of the exponential distribution. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 307–314
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the power of the exact likelihood ratio homogeneity testing procedure of the number of components k in the exponential mixture. First we present the likelihood ratio test for homogeneity (ELR), the likelihood ratio test for homogeneity against two-component exponential mixture (ELR2), and finally the likelihood ratio test for homogeneity against three-component exponential mixture (ELR3). Comparative power study of mentioned homogeneity tests against three-component subpopulation alternative is provided. Therein we concentrate on various setups of the scales and weights, which allow us to make conclusions for generic settings. The natural property is observed, namely increase of the power of exact likelihood ratio ELR, ELR2 and ELR3 tests with scale parameters considered in the alternative. We can state that the differences in power of ELR, ELR2 and ELR3 tests are small – therefore using of the computationally simpler ELR2 test is recommended for broad usage rather than computationally more expensive ELR3 test in the cases when unobserved heterogeneity is modelled. Anyhow caution should be taken before automatic usage of ELR3 in more informative settings, since the application of automatic methods hoping that the data will enforce its true structure is deceptive. Application of obtained results in reliability, finance or social sciences is straightforward.
exponential distribution, homogeneity testing, likelihood ratio, mixture models, Monte Carlo simulations, power study


Střeleček, F., Kopta, D., Lososová, J., Zdeněk, R.: Economic results of agricultural enterprises in 2010. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 315–328
The paper analyses the development of economic measures on a sample of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic in 2006–2010. These enterprises were divided according to the share of the land in the LFA. The aim of the paper is to describe current economic state of agricultural enterprises and to define long-term tendencies of the profit/loss and of factors that can influence it. Compared to 2009, the situation of agricultural enterprises improved in 2010, the majority of enterprises reached a profit, however the profit was not at the same level as in 2007 and 2008. Primarily, total production after its considerable decline in 2009 increased only slightly and reached a level of 2006 in the average enterprise. The labour productivity increased due to a reduction of the number of workers. Decreasing the number of workers is a long term trend as well as increasing of financial support in agriculture. However, the growth rate of support is slowing; the non-LFA support has been decreased in last two years. The increasing share of revenues from crop production and reducing the share of revenue from livestock production is also a long-term tendency.
profit/loss, profit rate, labour productivity, subsidies, LFA, NON-LFA


Sucháček, J., Baránek, P.: Largest enterprises in the Czech Republic: A spatio-temporal perspective. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 329–336
This article focuses on spatial structure of one hundred largest enterprises in the Czech Republic from evolutionary perspective. The location of large enterprise headquarters in the Czech Republic and its implications for country’s economic spatial profile and unevenly distributed economic power is discussed thoroughly. The whole analysis is pragmatically accomplished at the level of self-governmental NUTS III regions. As it is shown, intense concentration processes in the location of largest enterprise headquarters were observed during the analyzed period between 1995 and 2010. The capital city with its surroundings proved to be the winners of this process. Currently, the spatial pattern of afore mentioned head offices is basically stabilized. On the other hand, weight of large enterprises of many regions is almost negligible and subsequently, rank of individual regions can be rather volatile. Generally speaking, economic map of the Czech Republic is not entirely in compliance with country’s settlement system. Simultaneously, fundamental factors determining the location of large enterprise head offices are evaluated also from qualitative perspective. Traditional hard location factors, such as infrastructure, geographical location or agglomeration economies turned out to be decisive for location decision-making. Apart from Prague, headquarters of large enterprises tend to prefer other big towns in the country, such as Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc, Hradec Králové or Plzeň.
top 100 enterprises, headquarters, regional differentiation, location factors


Svatošová, L.: The development of regional disparities in Czech Republic over the 2005–2010 years. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 337–344
Reduction of regional disparities and securing equal conditions of living for the population belong to the fundamental targets of regional policies both within the limits of European Union community and of Czech Republic. Assessment of changes in the progress of regions presents a comparatively complex task since a large number of indicators have to be taken into question, both those collected objectively (usually of quantitative shape) as well as those reflecting the subjective views of the population. The paper aims at assessment of changes in the sizes of regional disparities over 2005–2010 in the CR regions and it offers a discussion on chances of application of the aggregated indicators for such assessment.
regional development, disparities, conditions of living, aggregated indicators


Svoboda, P., Bohušová, H.: Convergence of IFRS and US GAAP in the field of lease: the impact of new methodological approaches for operating lease reporting. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 345–358
Since 2002 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has begun significantly cooperate in the creation of standards based on the same principals. This is a process of convergence. It is realized through a series of sub-projects aimed at short-term or long-term period. Revenue recognition and lease reporting projects represent priority areas of convergence. The issue of leases belongs to one of the areas in which there have been, after a relatively long time, criticized the very principles applied in international accounting standards. The result of the convergence activities should be the creation of such methodological approaches of reporting the lease contracts on the side of lessee and then lessor that would eliminate the main weaknesses of the current system of reporting based on the classification of lease contracts in connection with the execution or non execution of the transfer of risks and benefits associated with the lease to the lessee. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of implementation of the newly proposed methodological approach for lease reporting in the field of operating leases into the financial statements that will be affected by this change of methodology (balance sheet, income statement). Subsequently, it is evaluated also the impact into selected indicators of financial analysis with a focus on indicators, in whose construction are used items of statements that are significantly affected by the change of the methodological approach.
lease, right of use, lessee, IFRS and US GAAP convergence


Šimberová, I., Kocmanová, A.: Corporate governance – research of key indicators on market of processing industry in the Czech Republic via cluster analysis. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 359–368
The discussion on corporate governance has oriented on practical problems, including corporate fraud, the abuse of managerial power and social irresponsibility. Contemporary cognition implicates the fact that the questions regarding to corporate governance are very actual especially in relation to company competitiveness, company performance and sustainability of success (long term viability). Paper is focused to the current questions regarding to the definition of corporate governance, looking for the appropriate conceptual framework and identification of key corporate governance indicators in selected industrial market in the Czech Republic via cluster analysis. The scientific aim is looking for the appropriate key indicators in processing industry as a base for the corporate governance performance measurement. The presentations of the results in the paper are just part of selected results in the framework of the elaborated research project titled “Construction of Methods for Multifactor Assessment of Company Complex Performance in Selected Sectors”.
corporate governance, processing industry, performance, key indicators, cluster analysis, Czech Republic


Šinkyříková, T., Soukopová, J.: Impact of standard rate of VAT on tax mix in EU 27. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 369–378
The Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the key resources within tax collection and therefore VAT effectiveness and VAT complexity represent one of the current world topics. Standard rates of VAT may and may not be the simple key to define whether VAT is important in the tax mix or not. This paper focuses on the question whether the amount of the VAT rate has an impact on the share of VAT in the tax mix. The VAT share on total taxes is studied in connection of average and median standard rates applied so as to answer the question: “Do the countries with higher share of VAT in the tax mix set its standard rates of VAT beyond the average of EU 27?” The paper examines this issue using data EU member countries, especially EU 27, in years 1995–2010.
VAT, effectiveness, standard rate of VAT, tax mix, average, median


Škapa, R.: Application of the theory of planned behavior to fraudulent returning. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 379–386
Proper return policy provides an additional value for customers and therefore it can be a beneficial instrument in business strategy of a company. However, its efficiency is harmed due to the return fraud that increases the total cost for reprocessing of returned products. The article contributes to the discussion of factors that stimulate and discourage the return fraud in the retail by suggesting a model, which is proposed on the basis of the theory of planned behavior. Path analysis was conducted with the data of 207 respondents to test the validity of the model.
return fraud, return policy, behavior, modeling, path analysis


Šperková, R., Skýpalová, R.: Strategic options for newly entering companies into the wine sector in the Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 387–398
Market environment is currently characterised by a constant dynamic development and changing conditions. The wine sector in the Czech Republic has passed and still passes through a number of changes which affect the decisions of business entities that are considering whether to enter the industry or not. The importance of strategic management is on the rise in this area as well as the significance of a company strategies creation which give the company the instructions how to use their distinctive ability and transform it into a competitive advantage. With regard to the distribution of market shares of each of the companies in the market, it is considered that the market will enter two different size firms, i.e. company A and B, in which the fundamental assumptions have been chosen so that they simulate two extreme examples of enterprises that might emerge in the market. The two chosen types of businesses are proposed recommendations focused on the most effective entry with the use of a methodological tool – GE Matrix (General Electric). For the micro-enterprise (company B) it was a careful entry with minimising the entry investment, differentiation of production and subsequent gradual increase of the market share. For medium-sized enterprise (company A) it means the need of high investments, primarily to the purchase of technology and marketing.
wine sector, attractiveness, competitive position, GE Matrix, strategy


Švec, R., Pícha, K., White Baravalle Gilliam, V. L., Navrátil, J., Doležalová, H.: The impact of visitor segments on the perception of the quality of the product of accommodation establishments. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 399–408
The aim of the paper is to evaluate differences in the quality perception among particular segments of demand. Data for analysis were collected by means of the questionnaire survey among clients of accommodation establishments. The research in accommodation establishments succeeded to identify four factors of the perception of quality of services provided in those establishments, when only accommodation and catering services were taken into consideration. Age appeared to be an important criterion for the evaluation the of the quality of offered services as the differences in the quality perception among particular age groups were proved for three of four identified factors of the quality perception. The factors are as follows: “environment of the accommodation establishment”, “hygiene in accommodation establishment”, “service in the catering part of the establishment” and “quality of the meals”. The duration of stay as well as the gender of the respondents influences the quality of perception only in the perception of the “quality of meal” factor. Compared to the duration of stay, the repetition of the stay is a considerably important factor in causing the variability of the answers on the rate of the quality perception. The purpose of travel was also proven to be a criterion affecting the rate of the quality perception of the first three factors, whereas the impact of the criterion “client’s travel companionship” was proven in case of the first and third factor. quality perception, tourism, accommodation, catering, service


Tabas, J., Beranová, M., Martinovičová, D.: Influence of product innovations on financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 409–414
Objective of this article is to determine possible effect of product innovations on the financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. The pilot research has been realized on the statistical sample of 100 companies which were categorized into three basic groups; service companies, trade companies, and production companies. As the measure of innovation effect, the authors applied the deviation of production power, i.e. the ration of EBIT to assets, of a business entity from the industry average while the industry average of production power was selected especially in order to reduce the influence of the economy cycles. In the three categories of companies, different effects of product innovations have been observed. In the service companies and trade companies, the positive effect is limited because of potential simplicity of imitation by competitors. More positive effect of product innovations has been observed in production companies which can protect the products or production processes better then service companies or trade companies where the product innovations are mostly connected with extension of extension of services portfolio offered. For the conclusion, the authors provide suppositions and designs for their future research in this problem of innovations’ effectiveness measurement.
financial performance, INFA, innovation, product innovation, production power


Trnková, G., Malá, Z.: Analysis of distribution impact of subsidies within the Common Agricultural Policy on field production businesses in the Czech Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 415–424
The article deals with the analysis of inequality in the distribution of the economic result in businesses engaging in field production in the Czech Republic, by way of the assessment of the impact of subsidies on the said inequality and by defining the effect of the size of the business on the economic result as well as inequality. The methodical tool is the quantification of the Gini coefficient and its elasticity. The data basis consists of panel data of 140 agricultural businesses focusing on field production for the period of the years 2005–2010. The main results of the submitted article substantiate a high inequality in the distribution of the economic result for the accounting period among field production businesses. The said inequality is not generally caused by the differing size of the analyzed businesses, and the associated volume of subsidies obtained, but is affected by other factors, such as the management quality, the investment activity of the business, or exceptional events. Subsidies do contribute to the more equal distribution of the economic result, but their impact is very small. Out of the individual categories of subsidies, the ones with the main redistribution effect are direct payments, as a result of the high proportion of total subsidies that they comprise.
farm profit, farm loss, inequality, Gini coefficient, subsidy, arable farming, Czech Republic


Turčínková, J., Brychtová, J., Urbánek, J.: Preferences of men and women in the Czech Republic when shopping for food. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 425–432
Buying behavior of men and women shows considerable differences. The individual stages of purchase decision-making process lead to convergence or conversely deepening of these differences. The paper provides results of analysis of chosen aspects of consumer behavior of men and women in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the grocery shopping in small-sized shops. Due to the complexity of the problem the research could not cover all aspects associated with this topic. It identifies who in a household is responsible for grocery shopping, how often and in what quantity of purchases. The paper examines to what extent is a purchase planned and by what a consumer is usually stimulated to an impulsive shopping. Further, it describes factors leading to a choice of shopping place and to a satisfaction with shopping conditions. The primary data was collected through a method of in-depth interviews conducted from January to March 2011 on a sample of 56 respondents in the three smaller stores in the Moravské Budějovice, and via questionnaire survey which took place in all regions of the Czech Republic (n = 5809) among respondents aged 12+. The results confirmed we can observe differences in shopping behavior of women and man, even though the importance of various factors taken into account when making a choice of a particular food product show significant differences from the gender perspective (none of the analyzed factors was found to have higher statistical significance than weak, p < .05). The qualitative research, however, revealed that women tend to make more frequent purchases and keep a certain level of supplies at home, while men tend to leave shopping till it becomes necessary, they are more likely to stick to their shopping list and more loyal to their favorite products. Women are more flexible when in need to replace a missing product with its substitute. The proportion of impulsively purchased items in a shopping basket is higher for women than for men. The findings should help in particular small-scale operators of stores.
consumer behavior, men, women, grocery shopping, gender marketing


Urbancová, H.: Results of analysis of organisational culture in organisations in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 433–440
The article deals with issues concerning organisational culture and its maintenance in existing conditions in organisations in the Czech Republic. The importance of the topic lies in the fact that organisational culture is a reflection of human dispositions in work activities and strengthens one’s attitude to work and regulates relationships between employees and the management of the organisation. The aim of the article is to identify the importance of organisational culture and to determine the process of its development and its maintaining in organisations in the Czech Republic. Data has been obtained through a questionnaire survey carried out in organisations in the Czech Republic and evaluated using the tools of descriptive statistics. Primary data was evaluated using the tools of descriptive statistics and also the methods of comparison, induction, deduction and synthesis were applied. The results have been compared with the outcomes of a similar survey which took place in the Slovak Republic. At present, the theme of development and maintenance of a suitable organisational culture for the purpose of ensuring the required level of organisations’ performance and gaining a competitive advantage is highly relevant and significant in terms of its possible application in both scientific and practical activities.
organisational culture, human resource management, analysis, comparation, organisation, survey


Vavřina, J., Růžičková, K.: Agricultural producers’ groups in the Czech Republic: introductory review and discussion of the problem area economic performance measurement. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 441–450
Each company is surrounded by the micro- and macro-environment affecting also its economic performance. These factors are not only individual accounting entries, but also analytical inputs as the internal company processes, management of costs or short-term financial decisions and specifically in the case of agriculture within the EU also the public subsidy schemes implemented through the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Groups of agricultural producers are created as a response to current market dynamics and the opportunity for each agricultural enterprise regardless the size. In this paper, the basis for agricultural cooperation is provided, traditional economic performance measures are presented and their applicability on the sample of agricultural producers’ groups and wholesale entities is empirically verified. Wholesale entities are analysed by its business activity and performance features to consider whether they are suitable peer group for comparing economic performance of examined agricultural producers’ group. Since the economic performance of agricultural producers’ groups directly affects the economic performance of all participating entities, and vice versa, their economic performance measurement may involve specific constraints. According to the structure and characteristics of agricultural producers’ groups may be inferred that whilst the common performance measurement techniques are applicable on the majority of companies, agricultural producers’ groups represent specific entities and therefore need adjusted performance measurement approach.
agri-business, agricultural producers’ group, analytical performance approaches, economic performance, wholesale entities


Vavřina, J., Růžičková, K., Martinovičová, D.: The CAP reform beyond 2013: the economic performance of agricultural enterprises within the Visegrad Group. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 451–462
The economic performance measurement of agricultural companies involves wide range of traditional and modern performance indicators, both aggregated and analytical. The applicability of those indicators, especially the analytical such as Balanced Scorecard or Benchmarking, is still at least disputable due to the specifics of this branch of business. However, there are some efforts to modify the policy of this branch through the EU Common Agricultural Policy reforms, which are based on many open discussions among concerned parties on both national and international levels. The objective of this paper is to assess and analyse the current situation of measurement and management of economic performance of agricultural enterprises within the Visegrad group and further delineate the possibilities of efficient management of economic performance of those entities, especially in the context of scenario proposals of agricultural development beyond 2013. The future development of the agriculture in the EU member states, which is projected via proposed scenarios beyond the year 2013 calls up the employment of modern economic performance indicators both for production and non-production outputs of agricultural business entities. The objective of this effort should be seen via ensuring the sustainable and balanced development of European agricultural sector.
agricultural business entities, Economic Accounts for Agriculture, Economic performance, EU Common Agricultural Policy


Vodová, P.: Liquidity of Czech and Slovak commercial banks. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 463–476
As liquidity problems of some banks during global financial crisis re-emphasized, liquidity is very important for functioning of financial markets and the banking sector. The aim of this paper is therefore to evaluate comprehensively the liquidity positions of Czech and Slovak commercial banks via different liquidity ratios in the period of 2001–2010 and to find out whether the strategy for liquidity management differs by the size of the bank. We used unconsolidated balance sheet data over the period from 2001 to 2010 which were obtained from annual reports of Czech and Slovak banks. The sample includes significant part of Czech and Slovak banking sector (not only by the number of banks, but also by their share on total banking assets). We have calculated five different liquidity ratios for each bank in the sample. The results showed that liquidity of Czech banks has declined during last ten years. On the contrary, liquidity of Slovak banks fluctuated only slightly during the period 2001–2008. Bank liquidity has fallen due to the financial crisis in both countries; the impact is worse for Slovak banks. Both Czech and Slovak banks have become less liquid also as a result of increase in lending activity. Czech and Slovak banks have the same strategies how to insure against liquidity crises: big banks rely on the interbank market or on a liquidity assistance of the Lender of Last Resort, small and medium sized banks hold buffer of liquid assets.
liquidity, liquidity risk, liquidity ratio, liquid assets, Czech Republic, Slovakia, financial crisis


Wanninayake, W. M. C. B., Chovancová, M.: Store personality and behavioral intentions of customers: a comparative study of retail industry in the Czech Republic and Sri Lanka. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 477–484
Brand personality is recognized as a key platform for developing a loyal customer base for service organizations. When it comes to the modern retail sector, self-service supermarkets are highly concerned about branding strategies for attracting customers to their stores. However, the impacts of brand personality of supermarkets can vary in different cross-cultural contexts. Hence, in this study, researchers examined this issue by selecting two samples: from Sri Lanka and from the Czech Republic, with the purpose of comparing the impact of brand personality on customer behavioral intentions in two different cultural contexts. For the first sample, 150 regular shoppers were randomly selected in Colombo (Sri Lanka), and data was collected from a researcher administrated questionnaire. The second sample was drawn from Zlin, (the Czech Republic) where data was collected from 120 customers via using a self-administrated questionnaire. Principle component analysis and multiple regressions were used for data analysis and for testing hypotheses. This paper concludes by explaining the implications for modern retailers in designing their branding strategies, and by comparing which aspects of brand personalities of supermarkets are important in two different contexts.
brand personality, behavioural intentions, supermarkets, retailing, Sri Lanka, Czech Republic


Urbanová, M., Dundelová, J.: Work culture of the Bata company. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 7, pp. 487–494
The paper deals with the Thomas Bata Company from its establishment until 1932. After defining the concepts, methods and goals, the authors remind Bata’s trips to America, which were crucial for changes in the company. The text then focuses on the Bata’s organization of production based on the workshop autonomy system (Bata is often called the pioneer of self-government in industry). Bata’s production method, even if entirely original, represents an example of masterful adaptation of scientific knowledge in the field of production to the specific local conditions of life in town of Zlín. This paper is also a reminder of the Bata’s tragic death in 12th July 1932 – 80 years has passed since that date.
culture, work culture, Bata Shoe Company, the workshop autonomy system, self-government in industry, slogan “Service to the public”